The Essential Academic Skills Enhancement (EASE) workshop series

This series of workshops aims to provide undergraduate students with support in basic skills required for success in all STEM courses.  Topics covered include; basic Excel, advanced Excel with statistics, scientific reading and writing, metrics, and critical thinking.

"I took my first Chem lab test. While we were waiting outside for our time slot to start the exam our TA was asking us questions to make sure we knew certain concepts. One of them was the calibration curve and everyone was like 'oh yeah we know that. The Excel workshop was very helpful,' to that, our TA's response was ' yeah I noticed that i did not really have to go over that. You guys seem to get it.'"  - Mariah Zuni, Chem 123L student

Need MS Office (Excel, Power Point, and Word)? Office 365 ProPlus is FREE to Students, Faculty, and Staff! - Log in to your LoboMail account to download Office 365. (Follow the links under "Install Office on more devices.")

Click HERE for a summary of EASE workshops.

Select your course:
Biology (201L - 204L)

Chemistry (123L and 253)

Engineering - Calculus prep

Math (121 ~ sections 121-007 Doug Schwartz and 121-014 Phillip Glass only ~ )